Our Services

Ras Entitled To Undertake Comprehensive Development Activities In Any Part Of Andhra Pradesh State.

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Environmental Awareness Campaign

The Rural Awareness Service –RAS conducted an Environmental Awareness campaign under National Environmental Awareness campaign NEAC supported by Ministry of Environment and Forest Government of India through the Regional Resource Agency SNAPS-Khadiri on the theme of Climate Change. The programme conducted in the village of Venigandla with 125 participants from all walks of life.

The Rural Awareness Service  conducted an awareness campaign on the theme of Climate change  under NEAC programme.  RAS distributed dustbins to the participants to make organic compost To save the planet as well as the Human life. 
As a part of Climate Change porgramme RAS planting tree samples in the programme area Where it conducted Environmental awareness campaign under NEAC

The Church members of the congregation attended the prayer meeting on Good Friday on 22-4-2011 at Vengalarao Nagar Pedakakani Mandal


The Church members participated in the prayer meeting on resurrection (Easter Sunday early Morning with lighting the candles)



NGO Details

  • Rural Awareness Service-RAS
  • Registered under the ISR Act XXI of 1860 Bearing Registration No:298/1991
  • Registered under FCRA With Ministry of Home Affairs Govt., of India Account No:010190260
  • PAN. No:AAAR2067H- Having exemption  U/s 12A and 80G v&vi of    Income Tax Act 1961
  • BANK  Andhra Bank  Account    No:005210011026475
  • General Body: 11
  • Executive Board: 7

Background of Chief Functionary

Mathangi David Ratnam

"I am a graduate, aged 65 Years. I ordained as an Evangelist Associated with Lutheran Church. I have Undergone various training programmes on Development issues from CAPART, APARD, CASA. I have organised and provided services such as resource persons on different development isssues."

- Mathangi David Ratnam

Mr.Mathangi David Ratnam, Founder and President of Rural Awareness Service RAS has been ordained as Reverend on October 18th 2006 by Universal Life Church – USA and has given all rights and privileges to perform all duties of the Ministry.

Contact address
M.David Ratnam President
D.No-3-402,Vengalarao nagar Number post,
Pedakakani Guntur District.

Area Of Operation

"As per Memoranudm of Association RAS entitled to undertake comprehensive development activities in any part of Andhra Pradesh State. The present area of operation is confined to Krishna, Guntur and Prakasasm Districts "


Adult Literacy Project
Cyclone Relief
Environmental Awareness Camp
Construction Of Low Cost Toilets
Village Entrepreneurs
Consumer Awareness Camps
Computer Training Proigramme
Hiv/Aids Awareness Camps
Early Child-hood Education
Medical Camps
Balahita Spl Child Labor Schools
Vitamin ‘a’ Distribution
Vocation Training
(Tailoring & Embroidery School)
Residential Bridge School

Funding Source

Since 5 years

India Bible Literature-Chennai
Deccan Development Society
Capart – Hyderabad
Village Enterprise Fund
Local Contributions
Urdu Academy A.P Govt.
Local Contribution
Public Donations
National Child Labor Department
Sight And Life Switzerland
Under Rajiv Udyogsri
Rajiv Vidhya Mission